• General instructions 2
  • CN - CP Rail Rule Information 3
  • Caso Sub. (Pelton to 24th St. Detroit Territory) 4
  • General instructions 5-10
  • Windsor-Detroit River Tunnel Emergency Procedures 11-13
  • United States Customs 13
  • Operating Instructions 14-21
  • Block and Interlocking Signals 22-24
  • Protection of Track Units and Maintenance Work 25
  • Radio Regulations 25-26
  • CP Rail (between Loop Track and CP Rail Windsor Yard) 27-29
  • State of Michigan Regulations 31
  • Conrail Territory (Michigan and Detroit Line) 32-33
  • General 35-36
  • Public Crossings at Grade 36-37
  • Definitions 37-38
  • General Rules 38-47
  • Form D 48
  • Signal Rules 49-51
  • Signal Aspects and Indications 52-57
  • Automatic Block Signal System 58-59
  • Interlocking Rules 59-60
  • Radio and Telephone Rules 61-63
  • Protection By Stop Signs 63-64
  • CSX (between Delray Tower MP 4.5 and MP 7.7) 65-66
  • Definitions 67
  • Speed Rules 67-68
  • Movement of Trains 68-69
  • General Signal Rules 69-71
  • GT Territory (River Subdivision) 72
  • General 73-74
  • Block and Interlocking Signals 74
  • lnterlockings and Railway Crossings at Grade 75
  • Equipment Restrictions 75
  • Public Crossings at Grade 76
  • Special Instructions 76-79
  • Air Brake Instructions 80-81
  • MAPS
  • Windsor
  • GTW River Sub
  • Detroit
  • CSX Delray

    COVER- Detroit Skyline from Windsor Ont.

    Printed in Canada


    Employees of any railway affected by this manual are subject to the instructions contained herein and must have a copy accessible while on duty. Except as affected by such instructions all Operating Rules governing operations remain in force.

    Except as affected by these instructions, employees while operating on their own railroad must be governed by the operating rules and special instructions of their respective railroad.

    Employees of all railroads governed by the instructions contained in this manual must be instructed and examined on the applicable portions every 1 2 months.

    This manual supersedes manual dated June 7th 1987.



    Track Diagram


    These instructions apply on that portion of the CASO Subdivision between Pelton and 24th St. Detroit.

    The two tracks between Pelton and Erie are designated Eastward Track and Westward Track.

    The Eastward Track is signalled for Eastward Movements.

    The Westward Track is signalled for Westward Movements.

    The two tracks between Erie and 24th St. Detroit are designated South Track and North Track and are signalled for movement in both directions.

    For operating purposes the direction from Pelton to 24th St. Detroit is westward and from 24th St. Detroit to Pelton is eastward.

    This territory is under the jurisdiction of the Canadian National Railways Terminal Superintendent Windsor, who will issue instructions as required.

    Engines will display a headlight to the front and rear by day and by night. Headlight on end coupled to cars may be extinguished.

    Engine bell must be rung when an engine is about to move; while moving about stations; and while passing a movement standing on adjacent track.

    MAXIMUM SPEED MILEAGE                    Miles Per Hour
    219.1 to 224.7 (Pelton to Windsor South)........ 30
    224.7 to 228.1 (Windsor South to 24th St.)...... 40

    Movements handling Special Dangerous Commodities must not exceed 35 miles per hour between Pelton and International Boundary.

    Unless otherwise provided by signal indication or special instructions, movements using other than main tracks must proceed at restricted speed not exceeding 15 miles per hour.


    Yard limits are in effect between mileage 218.0 and mileage 224.4 (Erie).

    Extra trains and engines must move within yard limits at restricted speed unless the main track is known to be clear.

    Within yard limits the words "known to be clear" are defined as known to be clear of trains, engines, cars and track units.

    Yard limits provide protection for track units against extra trains and engines.

    A "Clear Signal" Rule 281 permitting trains or engines to proceed does not relieve trains or engines from the requirements of moving at restricted speed.


    Railway crossing at grade CSX......... Mileage 219.1........ Controlled

    Switches within interlocking limits are dual control. Rule 104B applicable.

    Train dispatcher CSX controls all movements.


    Railway crossing at grade track Cl 01 Van de Water yard crossing Essex Terminal Railway. Interlocking normal when lined for through movements on Essex Terminal Railway.


    Switches and derails between Erie and East Portal are power operated and between West Portal and 24th St. Detroit are dual control.


    A speed that will permit stopping within one-half the range of vision. Where ABS rules, interlocking rules, or signal indications require movements at restricted speed, such movements must be made at a speed that will permit stopping within one-half the range of vision, also be prepared to stop short of switch not properly lined, and be on the lookout for broken rail, and in no case exceeding slow speed;

    Slow Speed

    A speed not exceeding fifteen miles per hour

    Medium speed

    A speed not exceeding thirty miles per hour

    Limited Speed

    A speed not exceeding forty-five miles per hour

    Air Brakes

    Air brakes must be in service on all movements when operating on any portion of this territory. All movements through the tunnel must have 100% of brakes operative leaving the initial terminal and must not be run with less than 85% at any time. When a movement is stopped by an emergency application of air brakes entering, in, or exiting the tunnel, the train movement director Windsor South must be notified immediately.


    513. Where block indicators are not provided or when declared out of service, a train or engine which is to foul or enter a main track from a crossover, siding or other track, must wait three minutes after the main track switch has been opened before moving foul, except at meeting points when the train to be met has cleared the switch and is occupying the block. This will not relieve employees from protecting their train or engine as required by the rules.

    Eastward movements destined Van de Water yard must obtain yarding instructions from yardmaster. When no yardmaster is on duty, permission must be obtained from the train movement director Windsor South.


    (This instruction does not apply to movements without a caboose)

    Dragging Equipment Detectors are located on both tracks at Mileage 224.9.

    A lunar white light displayed adjacent to the dragging equipment detector indicates that the dragging equipment detector has been actuated and the movement must be stopped for inspection. A member of the crew on the rear of the movement must immediately contact a member of the crew on the engine to stop the movement. If unable to communicate with a member of the crew on the engine, communication must then be made with the train movement director Windsor South who will contact a member of the crew on the engine.


    Caution must be exercised when using walkways and ladders in tunnel.


    In passageway at air ventilating shaft 2051 feet from West Portal accessible from either track.

    On wall of North Track, 4002 feet from West Portal, indicated by blue light.

    On wall of South Track, 4002 feet from West Portal.

    In passageway at air ventilating shaft, 4615 feet from East Portal accessible from either track and indicated by blue light.

    On wall of North Track 25 feet from East Portal.


    Movements operating through the tunnel must stand by on one of the channels indicated below for communication purposes with train movement director Windsor South who monitor these channels

    CNCN8161.025 MHZ
    GTGT1160.590 MHZ (AAR 32)
    ConrailCR2161.070 MHZ (AAR 64)
    CSXC&O1160.230 MHZ (AAR 08)


    Cars exceeding plate "E" must not be handled in the tunnel without handling instructions.

    Heaviest car permitted gross weight, 263,000 lbs.

    Cars exceeding 263,000 lbs. gross weight must be governed by handling instructions.


    Train handling in the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel requires consideration of the following items:

    1. The number of locomotives and total consist horsepower.
    2. The type of brake valve on the lead locomotive.
    3. The overall tonnage and length of train.
    4. The distribution of loads and empties throughout the train.

    Minimum application should be applied at approximately 20-25 m.p.h. with throttle in No. 2 position, when approaching the tunnel entrance to ensure quick service activity and stability throughout the train.

    If restricted in attaining speeds mentioned above account routing and train length a minimum application should be in place as train commences movement on the downgrade.

    In either case a further light reduction may be made if train speed has to be regulated. At no time should a heavy split reduction be made.

    Train should be kept stretched on the downgrade.

    The use of dynamic brake is prohibited

    To assist in determining acceleration required to exit the tunnel and the point at which throttle increase should occur the speedometer must be closely monitored, with due consideration given above items (a to d).



    In event of Emergency in the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel, the following procedures must be followed:

    1. Employees of all railways are responsible to notify the train movement director at Windsor South and obtain the necessary authority prior to entering the tunnel.

    2. Communication with the train movement director at Windsor South is required when working within, or operating through the tunnel.

    3 .The train movement director at Windsor South may relay instructions/or information between the front and rear of movements within the tunnel, when required.

    4. Crew members on movements disabled within the tunnel must immediately contact the train movement director at Windsor South and be governed by his instructions.

    5. Movements disabled within the tunnel and unable to communicate with the train movement director at Windsor South, must immediately separate the locomotives from the movement and proceed out of the tunnel. If locomotives cannot be moved, same must be shut down and employees exit tunnel on foot.

    6. In the event a movement is stopped or disabled within the tunnel, the cause for such stop must be determined and repairs, if necessary, made prior to any further movement being commenced. Every precaution must be taken to prevent any unintentional movement.

    7. The engineman must ensure no movement is made until it has been determined that all persons have reported clear.

    8. If necessary to perform emergency work under or about such movement air brakes must be maintained as follows:

    (a) On movements operating with a caboose an emergency application of the air brakes must be made using the emergency valve inside the caboose. The angle cock at the rear must then be left open until the work is completed.

    (b) On movements operating without a caboose the engineman must place the automatic brake valve in the emergency position. Such handle must be left in the emergency position until contact has been made with all members of the crew. After which time arrangements may be made for further movement.

    9. Should a movement operating within the tunnel be stopped as a result of an emergency application of the brakes, the engineman or other employee, must initiate an emergency call, giving identification and location, stating that the movement is stopped in emergency.

    10. (a) Should a movement carrying loaded cars, trailers, containers of dangerous commodities or placarded empty tank cars become disabled within the tunnel due to an emergency application of the brakes, extreme caution must be exercised. In case of doubt or uncertainty as the presence of hazard, the safe course must be taken and employees must immediately evacuate the tunnel avoiding the hazard area. All documentation pertaining to the movement should accompany the train crew and the train movement director Windsor South must be advised when members of the crew are clear of the tunnel.

    Openings between the two tubes may be used as a means of quickly exiting from one tube to the other.

    When doing so employees must exercise extreme care when entering the adjacent tube and must expect movements in either direction on that track.

    (b) The presence of potential hazard will be evaluated by suitably equipped emergency forces. Operating employees will return to the movement and make any necessary repairs only after the area has been declared safe.

    (c) Movements must not be operated through the adjacent tube until the situation has been evaluated and it is determined by the train movement director Windsor South that such movement can be made in a safe manner.

    11. Employees entering, or working within, the tunnel must have respirators capable of providing protection against organic vapours in their possession.

    12. Cars containing shipments of explosives class 1.1 and class 1.2 must not be handled through the tunnel.


    Westward trains from Canada must be examined by United States Customs Officers at West Detroit.

    Movements delayed enroute must advise the appropriate CN or CP Rail office.


    Conductors of passenger trains entering Canada from the United States must receive release from Canadian Customs and Immigration Officers before allowing any person to detrain at Windsor South. Conductors of passenger trains entering the United States from Canada must receive release from United States Customs and Immigration Officers before allowing any person to detrain at Detroit.

    On passenger trains, prior to entering the tunnel, lights must be lit, toilet doors locked, doors of passenger cars must be kept closed and all fans must be turned off. If any movement is stopped in the tunnel, diesel units must be shut down immediately and a full train brake service application made and the brakes must not be released until the movement is able to proceed. If the movement has parted, a sufficient number of hand brakes must be applied to detached portion to prevent its movement.


    Wherever the word "foreman" appears herein, it applies to the employee performing the duties.

    1. All movements between Pelton and 24th St. Detroit will be supervised by the train movement director Windsor South who will issue instructions as required.

    Westward movements must not pass Pelton until permission is received from the train movement director Windsor South.

    Westward movements must stop clear of private crossing located at mileage 224.1 and must not proceed until instructions received from train movements director Windsor South.

    All switches and signals between Erie and 24th St. Detroit controlled by train movement director Windsor South.

    2. Block and interlocking signals as contained herein are located to the right of, and adjacent to the track they govern except signal 2776N which is located to the left of track it governs.

    3. When a movement consisting of three or more diesel units or cars is required to make a back-up movement, a member of the crew must be on the leading end of the movement and in a position from which signals necessary to the movement can be properly given. He must also be in position to warn persons standing on, or crossing, or about to cross the tracks.


    Trackmen, before undertaking any work which may render a track, other than main track or signalled yard track, unsafe for movements at normal speed, or if rendered unsafe from any cause, must provide protection as follows:

    (i) When practicable, switches must be spiked or locked with special locks in the position which will prevent movements operating on the portion of track where work is to be performed, and;

    (ii) Place a red flag by day and in addition, a red light by night, mounted and elevated on a staff, between the rails, in each direction from the working point. When practicable, such signals must be placed at least 100 yards from the working point and where there will be a clear view of them from an approaching movement of, if possible, 300 yards. When there is equipment on that track, which prevents a clear view from an approaching movement of 300 yards, the red signals must be placed to include such equipment;

    (iii) A movement approaching a signal prescribed by clause (ii) must stop before passing it and must not proceed beyond such signal until it has been removed. Employees of the same class who placed the red signals may alone remove them, but only when so authorized by the foreman;

    (iv) When red signals are placed as prescribed by clause (ii), on the approach of a movement, from either direction on the track affected the foreman will arrange the display of stop signals.

    (v) Equipment must not be placed on the track being protected so as to block the clear view of the red signals.


    Mileage 219.1 to Mileage 221.8 - Movements over all public crossings protected by automatic warning devices, on other than main tracks must he protected by a member of the crew unless it is known that the automatic warning devices have been operating for at least twenty seconds and, when so equipped, that the gates are in horizontal position.

    Mileage 221.8 (Howard Avenue) - Eastward movements leaving Van de Water yard must not pass the end-of-circuit sign located west of Howard Ave. until the crossover switches are lined for the movement and must not occupy the crossing until the gates are in horizontal position.

    Wherever the words "train dispatcher" appear herein, they also apply to the train movement director.

    104B. DUAL CONTROL SWITCHES - When a train or engine is stopped by a signal governing movement over a dual control switch, if no conflicting movement is evident, a member of the crew must immediately communicate with the train dispatcher and be governed by his instructions. Such instructions must include information as to the route to be used. The instructions must be in writing and repeated to ensure correct understanding.

    When a train or engine is required to move over a dual control switch under a Stop indication, movement must not be made until after selector lever has been taken out of "power" position and placed in "hand" position. Hand throw lever must be operated until switch points are seen to move with the movement of hand throw lever. Switch must then be lined for the route to be used. Selector lever may be restored to "power" position and locked as soon as leading wheels have moved onto the switch points.

    When switching is to be done over a dual control switch, the switch may be operated manually by a member of the crew after authority to do so and work and time limits have been obtained from the train dispatcher as prescribed by Rule 266. Selector lever must then be placed in "hand" position and hand throw lever operated until switch points are seen to move with the movement of the hand throw lever. Selector lever must be left in "hand" position until switching movements have been completed.

    When selector lever is placed in "hand" position, all signals governing movements over the switch will display STOP indication and the train or engine granted work and time limits may consider the indication of such signals suspended, and movements may be made on hand signals until switching completed and selector lever is restored to "power" position and locked. Train dispatcher must be notified when switching completed and selector lever has been restored to "power" position and locked.

    Paragraph 2 of Rule 104B has been amended to read:

    Unless a train or engine crew has been relieved of the requirements of paragraphs (a) to (c) in accordance with this Rule, a train or engine must not be moved over a dual control switch under a STOP indication until:

    (a) the selector lever is placed in the "hand" position;

    (b) the hand throw lever is operated until the switch points move in both directions with the movement of the hand throw lever; and

    (c) the switch is lined by hand for the route to be used.

    A member of the crew shall restore the selector lever to the "power" position and lock it after the leading wheels of the train or engine have been moved onto the switch points.

    The train dispatcher may relieve a crew of the requirements of paragraphs (a) to (c) when he has determined from the office control devices and indications in his office that the dual control switches in the route to be used are properly lined. When so relieved, a member of the crew shall be in a position to observe that the switch points are lined for the route to be used. (C.T.C. 1 986-7 Rail)

    264. When a train or engine is stopped by a signal indicating STOP and no conflicting movement is evident:

    (a) A member of the crew must immediately communicate with the train dispatcher, stating his name, occupation, location and train or engine number.

    (b) If there is no conflicting movement, the train dispatcher may authorize the train or engine to pass the signal, but before doing so must provide protection against all opposing movements. The train or engine so authorized must move at restricted speed to the next signal, and be governed by Rule 104A at spring switches, Rule 104B at dual control switches, and Rule 672 at automatic interlockings.

    (c) Instructions received from the train dispatcher must be in writing and repeated before being acted on, and train dispatcher must make the proper record immediately.

    In the application of this rule, when a train or engine is required to move over a power operated switch not equipped for hand operation, movement must not be authorized until the train dispatcher or signalman has determined from the office control devices and indications in his office that the switch(es) in the route to be used are properly lined. A member of the crew of the movement so authorized shall be in a position to observe that the switch points are lined for the route to be used.

    266. A train or engine may be given exclusive occupancy of a track or tracks within specified limits and specified times to perform switching or other work when authorized by the train dispatcher in the following manner: "(train or engine) may use (track or tracks) between__________and_______or at______________ m until _________m".

    When requesting track and time limits, employee will give his name, occupation, location, train or engine number and specify time and work limits and track or tracks to be used. When such authority is granted, the instructions must be in writing and repeated to the train dispatcher before being acted on, and no movement may be made under this rule until the engineman has been advised and understands the track and time limits granted.

    After the train or engine has entered the limits specified, the train dispatcher must block all levers controlling signals governing movements into such limits at Stop and must not remove lever blocks nor permit any other train or engine to enter the limits until track and time limits have expired unless the train or engine is reported clear of the track or tracks specified.

    During the period track and time limits are authorized the train or engine may use the track or tracks specified in either direction without flag protection.

    The train or engine must be clear of the track or tracks specified, switches restored to normal position before expiration of the time specified, and train dispatcher so advised. If not clear by the time specified, protection must be provided as prescribed by Rule 99. If additional time is required, authority must be secured from train dispatcher before previously authorized time expires.

    In the application of this rule, a joint Rule 266 authority may be issued when it is necessary for more than one train or engine to work within the same limits.

    Before issuing such authority the train dispatcher must block all signal controls governing movements into such limits at STOP and must not remove such blocking nor permit any other train or engine to enter such limits until each train or engine has been reported clear, REGARDLESS OF THE TIME LIMITS GRANTED.

    Before any movement is made under joint authority, the conductors and enginemen of such trains and engines, required to protect against each other, must have a thorough understanding in writing as to the movements of each other and the protection to be provided. All movements within such limits must be made at restricted speed as required by ABS Rules.

    NOTE: Reference to engineman in clauses (a) and lb) not applicable to track units operating as trains.

    (c) In the application of paragraph (5) of this rule, the train or engine must be clear of the track or tracks specified, switches restored to normal position before expiration of time specified and train dispatcher so advised. If not clear by the time specified, protection must be provided as prescribed by Rule 99, UNLESS SUCH TRAIN OR ENGINE IS STANDING. If additional time is required, authority must be secured from the train dispatcher before previously authorized time expires.


    TRACK OCCUPANCY PERMITS WITHIN CENTRALIZED TRAFFIC CONTROL AND CONTROLLED INTERLOCKINGS Where, in order to assist in work activities within the work limits of a T.O.P., it is necessary to move a train or an engine into those work limits, the train dispatcher or signalman shall authorize the joint occupancy of those work limits by the foreman and, where applicable the track unit whose number is set out in the T.O. P. and that train or engine by, issuing to a member of the train or engine crew a Rule 264 or Rule 266 authorization containing the following words:




    _________________MUST NOT PROCEED


    FROM FOREMAN________________________________

    The train or engine must not enter or move within the locations designated where joint authorization has been granted until instructions to do so have been issued by the foreman named in the Rule 264 or Rule 266 authority and repeated back to and acknowledged by him. These instructions may be issued by telephone, radio or personal contact.

    268. A train or engine must not enter on nor foul a main track, nor re-enter a main track after having cleared it, except by signal indication or until permission has been received from the train dispatcher.

    Block and Interlocking Signals pg22 Block and Interlocking Signals pg23 Block and Interlocking Signals pg24

    At locations where there is no approach signal to the signal governing movements into signalled territory, or an interlocking, all train and engine movements must approach such governing signal prepared to stop and there be governed by indication displayed.

    Protection against opposing and following trains and engines between the entering signal to signalled territory and the next signal is not required unless signals are declared inoperative.

    If any part of a movement overruns a signal indicating STOP, the engineman or other employee must immediately initiate an "EMERGENCY" call giving identification and location stating that the movement has overrun a signal indicating STOP and a member of the crew must immediately communicate with the train movement director and be governed by his instructions.

    Instructions for the

    Railway Protection of Track Units and

    Maintenance Work Regulations

    Between Pelton and 24th St. Detroit

    Railway Protection of Track Units and Maintenance work regulations (Form 836) govern the protection of track units and maintenance work on main tracks, signalled sidings and signalled yard tracks.


    Radio is a recognized method of communication used for the transmission and reception of instructions or information, relating to the movement of trains, engines or track units, subject to the following regulations.

    Radio is intended to be used in connection with railway business only. Employees must not transmit unnecessary, unidentified or personal information via radio. Indecent language must not be transmitted via radio.

    Each employee concerned directly or indirectly with the movement of trains, engines or track units, who may be required by the use of radio, to transmit or receive instructions or information relative to such movements is subject to these regulations.

    When not transmitting and when not working on other channels, employees must keep their receivers set on their assigned standby channels at the proper volume, to permit all affected employees present to hear incoming calls and transmissions.

    Instructions or information relating to train, engine or track unit movements must be repeated by the person receiving them. All other instructions or information must be acknowledged to the sender by the person receiving them.

    Positive identification of party called and party calling must be ensured when making initial calls, naming party called first followed by party calling. This includes giving employee's occupation followed by movement identification.

    Emergency calls shall have absolute priority over all other transmissions. All employees who hear an emergency transmission shall immediately cease any transmission which may interfere with it, and shall listen on the frequency used for the emergency call.

    An emergency call shall be repeated at frequent intervals until acknowledgement is received from the train movement director Windsor South, or other radio user.

    Should an emergency call not be acknowledged it must be relayed to the train movement director Windsor South by an employee who does receive it, by any means of communication available.